Present: Carole Langenbach, Neal Stoddard, Bill Etnyre and Bob Langenbach (MC)
Minutes from the Nov. 6, 2007 meeting approved as corrected.
Weight Classic dates are Sept. 5-6, 2008.
Treasurer's Report: Balance as of Nov. 6, 2007 was $6,725.12 with the following distributions: Oct. 6 $29.75 for misc. & party meet donuts, Nov. 8 $895.00 for X/C prize money and Dec. 9 for X/C party: Greenlake C.C. $136.00, pizza $261.96 and x/c food - ect. $41.84. Income as of Nov. 30th for 2007 cards $4,709.86 with donations of $46.25 leaving a balance of $10,116.68 as of Jan. 8, 2008.
Reports: Reg'l X/C & USA/Canada Challenge: Only 3 Canadian competitors and the awards were key ring medals. Nicely received.
Old Business: Masters Committee approved of George Mathews request to move from Inland to PNA.
New Business: Awards Dinner of Feb. 8, 2008 discussed.
Webmaster will hold off from posting the Masters Minutes on the PNA web site until they are edited and approved.
Adjourned at 8:08 p.m.
Next Masters Meeting will be held on Mar. 4th, 2008 at the Langenbachs commencing at 7:00 p.m.
PNA Masters Secretary, Neal Stoddard