Present: Bill Etnyre (VC), Neal Stoddard, Carole Langenbach and Bob Langenbach
Minutes from the Jan. 8, 2008 meeting approved as corrected
Treasurer's Report:
Balance as of Jan. 8, 2008 was $10,116.58 with the following distributions: Sanction fees of Oct. 15, 2007 was $200.00 (Wt. Throw $50.00, PNW X/C $75.00 & Reg'l X?C $75.00), Awards Dinner of Feb. 2nd, 2008 for 22 dinners @ $25.00 per. totaling $550>00, Spring Fling sanction for April 27, 2008 of $50.00 and to Seattle Parks - West Seattle Stadium for Spring Fling at $332.50 leaving a balance of $8,984.18 as of March 4, 2008.
Events for 2008:
April 26th - Spring Fling & RaceWalk: 10k Regional & 5k Canadian walk (seperate).
July 19th/20th - Seattle Classic: Regional USATF Masters Championships. West Seattle Stadium: 7:30-3:30 & 7:30-2:00, cost $1,000.00 plus.
Sept. 5th/6th - Nat'l Wt./Super Wt. & Nat'l Wt. Pentathlon (Ultra): Six throws & 3 throws. Still Friday-Saturday (tentative).
June 7th - Seattle Parks Meet & Fred Dean Meet (same date).
Old Business:
WA Games - discussed what PNA decided
New Business:
Committee budget questions: Online entry fees, who pays for what? Sanction & facility fees by Masters and Everything else by entry fees. Do we pay additional $650.00 on top of?, will check with George Mathews later.
West Seattle Stadium construction project: North stands and restrooms will be closed.
New chairman & where/when will Masters Committee meet for April:
George Mathews was elected new Masters Chairman and for April we will meet at the Whole Foods Market on Westlake at 6:00 on April 21st.
Adjourned at 8:13 p.m.
Next Masters Meeting will be held on April 21st, 2008 at the Whole Foods Market located at 2200 Westlake Ave., Seattle 98121 at 6:00 p.m. - earlier if you eat slowly.
PNA Masters Secretary, Neal A. Stoddard