Present: George (MC), Bill (VC), Neal, Ivars, Patti, Carole & Bob
Minutes from Dec. 20, 2009 Meeting approved with the following two corrections:
The $280 was paid to the Parks Dept. not SMAC & the spelling of Pentathlon corrected.
Treasurer's Report:
Balance as of Dec. 20, 2009: $10,463.05. Minus the following: printing of the Masters Champions dinner invitations $17.74, postage for 33 of the latter @ 44 cents totaling $14.52, X/C donuts for Officials $6.97, X/C award postage $2.95 & Racewalk Seattle/Park fee of $140.00 as of April 11 leaving a balance through March 2, 2010 of $10,280.87. Also, Award Dinners (23) @ $25.00 each, PNTF paid $5 of $30 total leaving payment of $575.00. Balance as of April 2, 2010 is $9,705.87.
Awards Dinner & awards follow up:
Well received, plenty of food, awards (choice) a plus & having a Masters guest speaker a plus. A thanks to Andy for the room - plus.
Events of 2010:
Race walk of April 11: need more officials.
Seattle Parks 30+ for June 5: need plenty of information previously requested from Parks for the Meet. Registration besides day of Meet such as on-line through 'Direct-Athletics'. Discussed relays as a total age of competitors: 40-49 begins with a total of 160 years of age (plus), 50-59 would be 200 plus. Bill will write up a proposal for this new age category.
Seattle Classic with Washington Games for July 17: Items discussed:
1: Tee-shirts (free for WA Games competitors from Sub-way) but we need our Seattle Classic logo on same. If individual Seattle Classic shirts were sold, we would lose money.
2: Could use WA Games medals with our mylar stickers for the Seattle Classic Meet.
3: Play with the design of logos for both Meets.
4: Use Direct-Athletics for registration, but also accept mail-in applications sent to George Mathews (Meet Director) in Idaho.
Throws Pentathlon for Aug. 21: Application passed out & will modify later.
New Business:
Relay proposal for the 4x200m at the National Masters Indoor - we don't like it or want it.
Recent Event Announcements:
Kamloops: Michael Waller won the 100m, 200m & 400m.
Boston: George Mathews won the Super Weight
Next Meeting TBD
PNA Masters Secretary, Neal A. Stoddard