Feb. 12, 2008 - Seattle Parks and Rec

Youth PNA Meeting                                                                                            
February 12th, 2008  7:00pm
Seattle Parks ‘n Rec

Doug Chandler, Patti Petesch, Char Engelhardt, Kenny Emerick (PNA); Holly & Darryl Genest (FWTC); Asha Dean (SCAA); Lloyd & Mary Pugh (South Kitsap TC)

Minutes of the January 8th meeting were approved.

Char Engelhardt submitted the Youth PNA Treasurer’s report ending 12/31/07.   As of 12/31/07 the Youth PNA had $12,438 in checking; $16,157 in a CD; and $23,293 in a money market.  A motion was passed to accept the report.  Char also reported that she paid Sealth’s usage fee for the ‘08 J.O. Association track meet in January ‘08.


2008 Tentative Schedule (updated)
May 3 - Rainier Beack Track Club meet @ Rainier Beach High School
May 10 - Wings of Eagles meet @ Sealth
May 17 - Lowell Berry meet (Seattle Parks ‘n Rec teams only)
May 31 - Cascade Striders meet @ Sammamish High School
June 7 - SCAA meet @ Sealth
June 14 - South Kitsap Track Club meet @ South Kitsap High School
June 21/22 - J.O. Association meet @ Sealth
June 28 - Hershey State
June 29 - J.O. Association Multi-Events (bantam, midget, youth) @ tba
July 10-13  J.O. Regionals meet (hosted by Inland Empire Association-location tba)
July (tba) - Track City Classic @ U of O, Eugene, OR
July 22/27 - J.O. Nationals @ Omaha, NE

Club assignments for the Association meet will be discussed at the March meeting.

The JO Association Combined Events meet (bantam/midget/youth) has been moved from June 28th to June 29th due to a schedule conflict with the Hershey State.

The JO Regional meet has been moved from July 3-6 to July 10-13 (hosted by Inland Northwest).  Location is TBA.

Association/Regional pass through criteria will be posted on our website/flyer (T & F Junior Nationals and T & F World Youth meets).
The background checks are available on our website at 
Patti Petesch announced that the background checks will be mandatory in 2008 so that our Association can be considered “in good standing” with USATF.  This allows our Association to vote at the National convention.

Asha Dean reported that the Fred Dean Golf Tournament & Reception is scheduled for April 25th at Newcastle.

The Fred Dean Scholarship fund has approximately $13,000.

It’s officer election time!  We will be voting on the Youth PNA officers at our March meeting. Holly Genest and Kenny Emerick were selected to be on the selection committee. 

Patti Petesch reported on the replacement of the pole vault and high jump pits at Sealth so that they meet USATF’s tougher standards:  The cost of the two new pits may cost up to $30,000.  The Youth PNA has agreed to put $10,000 toward the replacement of the pits as long as the school district gives us a price break on Sealth’s usage over the next few years.  They are still in negotiations.

Congratulations to Drew Stevick.  Drew received the Youth Contributor of the Year award at our   annual banquet on February 8th.

Our next meeting is Tuesday, March 11th, 7pm at Seattle Parks ‘n Rec.  This is a full committee meeting in which we’ll be voting on the Youth PNA officers, finalizing the summer track season, going over rule changes, J.O. club assignments and addressing any unresolved issues.  We would like all the teams to send at least one representative to the meeting.

Remaining 2008 Meetings
March -  full committee meeting to plan/finalize summer track season and elect officers
April, May, Sept, Nov - executive board meetings but everyone is welcome to attend.
June -  full committee meeting/finalizing J.O. meet
October -  full committee meeting/planning meeting for 2009
July, Aug & Dec - no meeting

Holly Genest
Youth PNA Secretary
(253) 839-4964