Apr. 14, 2009 - Seattle Parks and Rec


Youth PNA Meeting
April 14th, 2009 7:00pm
Seattle Parks 'n Rec

IN ATTENDANCE - Doug Chandler, Char Engelhardt, Kenny Emerick, Patti Petesch (PNA); Holly & Darryl Genest (FWTC); Tom Potter (SRC); Kwajalein Griffin (RBTC); Linda Sullivan (Cascade)

MINUTES - Minutes of the March 10th meeting were approved.

TREASURER'S REPORT - Char Engelhardt reported as of April 14th, 2009, the Youth PNA has $7,919 in checking; $16,158 in a CD; and $23,319 is a money market.

BACKGROUND CHECKS & CLUB REGISTRATION - Thank you to all the clubs who have registered for 2009 and have completed their coaches' background checks. Procedures for the background checks is available at Please remember, if background checks are not processed for your coaches, your USATF insurance will be void.


2009 Youth Track Schedule
May 2 - Rainier Beach meet @ Rainier Beach High School
May 9 - Wings of Eagles meet @ Sealth
May 16 - L. Berry meet (Seattle clubs only)
May 30 - Cascade Striders meet @ Sammamish High School
June 5 & 6 - J.O. combined events (intermediate, young wo/men) @ Stevens High School
June 6 - SCAA Fred Dean Invite @ Sealth High School
June 13th - South Kitsap meet @ South Kitsap High School
June 20th - Flying AJ's Classic @ Sealth High School
June 21 - J.O. combined events (bantam, midget, youth) @ Yelm High School
June 27 & 28 - J.O. Associations @ Sealth High School
July 9-12 - JO Regionals @ Willamette University, Salem, OR
July 18 - SeaTown meet @ Sealth High School
July 27-Aug 2 - JO Nationals @ N. Carolina A&T State University, Greensboro, NC

2010 JO Track Nationals will be in Sacramento, CA


The JO flyer, schedule, individual and relay entry forms are available online at

Registration deadline in June 17th. On time registration is $5 per event. Late registration is $10 per event. CASH OR CLUB CHECKS ONLY. Incomplete forms will be charged the late registration fee.

If you miss the registration deadline, but are able to get the registration form in before the meet, please send it in (late fees still apply). It will help expedite the meet registration process. Day-of registration will be hectic and time consuming.

Athletes must register at least two hours before the scheduled time of their event.

Those athletes competing in the JO Multi-Events on June 21st still need to send in their entry forms by June 17th to be considered on-time. It is recommended that you make a copy of your entry form and bring the copy with you to the Multi event.

Club assignments for the JO Association are as follows:
Long jump/triple jump - FWTC
Long jump/triple jump - Cascade Striders
High Jump - Rain City Flyers
Pole Vault - Rainier Beach
Javelin/turbo javelin - Flying AJs
Hurdles - SCAA
Shot put - SeaTown
Multi Events (6/21) - Barron Park Striders
Announcer - Rainier Beach
Hammer -
Discus -
Awards -
Results (posting) -

Pass-through requirements. There are two conflicts that can be applied to bypass a qualifying round of JO's. An athlete can miss the Association Championship but not the Regional Championship because of participation in a USATF cultural exchange. Athletes can miss the Association and Regional meet if they are competing in the Junior National Championships or World Youth championships. These exceptions must be worked out with the Regional Coordinator at least two weeks prior to the competition. Contact: Char Engelhardt at


2009 X-C Junior Olympic schedule
Nov 14 - JO Association, Woodland Park, Seattle
Nov 21 - JO Regionals, Spokane, Plantes Ferry Sports Field
Dec 12 - JO Nationals, Reno, NV

2010 X-C Junior Olympic Nationals will be held in Hoover, Alabama (fly into Birmingham).

NEW BUSINESS - Kwajalein Griffin reported on the National Youth Workshop that she and Asha Dean attended in March. She reported that the JO National meet will be adding two exhibition wheelchair races; there was a discussion about adding 6-8 year olds to the National meet (no final decision yet) and the cost for JO Cross Country will increase to $10 Association; $15 Regionals; $20 Nationals. (Char stated that she will look further into the new pricing and will report back to the Youth committee.)

OLD BUSINESS - The youth committee decided not to host a table at the high school state track meet due to lack of man-power.

Remaining 2009 Meeting Schedule
May 12th, June 9th, Sept 8th, Nov10th
Oct/Sunday (exact date TBD) - annual meeting; 2010 planning
July, August and December - no meeting

Holly Genest
Youth PNA Secretary