The next PNTF Board Meeting will be February 18, 2008 at the Seattle
Parks and recreation Building, 100 Dexter Ave. North in Seattle. If
you no longer wish to receive this, please e-mail me or phone
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Minutes of the PNTF Board Meeting of January 21, 2008
President Patti Petesch called the meeting to order in the meeting
room of the Seattle Parks and Recreation Building at 7:01 p.m. Those
present were: Patti Petesch, Ken Weinbel, George Mathews, Bill Roe,
Darlene Hickman, Doris Heritage, Gwen Robertson, Neal Stoddard, Carole
Langenbach, Bob Springer, Lawrie Robertson, Bill Hickman, Asha Dean,
Kenny Emerick, Paul Merca, Stan Chraminski, Ed Viering, Tom Cotner,
and Bob Langenbach.
Minutes: Holly Genest had e-mailed the Secretary corrections
to the Youth schedule in the minutes of the November 19, 2007 Board
Meeting. The PNTF Association T&F meet will be June 21-22 and Combined
Events June 28, 2008. The Regional T&F meet will be July 10-13, 2008
in Inland NW Association. The PNTF Association X-C meet will be
November 15, 2008 and the JO Regional X-C meet will be November 22,
2008. Both of these meets will be at Upper Lower Woodland Park. It was
moved and seconded that the minutes be approved as corrected. The
motion passed unanimously. Note: The minutes for the last several
years are posted on the PNTF web site,
Treasurer's Report: Gwen Robertson handed out her report as of
January 18, 2008. She reported she had not received the check for the
on-line entries for the Seattle Classic T&F Meet held July 21, 2007.
Carole said she would check with the National Office about it. There
was some discussion about putting some of the money in the checking
and saving accounts into a CD. Gwen said she would check into how much
needed to be available for bills before depleting savings and
checking. The report was approved unanimously. The totals as of
January 18, 2008 were Youth - $16,884.18; Open - $8,055.30; Open
Chairman's Fund -- $881.00; Masters - $9,916.68; General (officials) -
$962.61; Fred Dean Youth Travel Fund -- $13,117.30; and General -
President's Report: President Patti Petesch mentioned an
article on page 74 of the Jan-Feb 2008 Utne Reader. The article
discussed the environmental costs of plastic, mentioning the use of
plastic bags given out at Road Races. She also thanked all the PNTF
Committees that met the early facility date request from the Seattle
Parks Department. The only one that is still not finalized is the West
Seattle Masters Weight and Super in September due to a possible
football usage conflict. She announced that the Associations Workshop
will be in Indianapolis August 22-24 at the Hyatt Regency. USATF has a
"template" available for Association Bylaws. Patti said we must modify
our Bylaws to add the required coaches screening and grievance
Vice President's Report: Char Engelhardt was not present.
Membership Report: Janell Kaufman had not responded to Carole's request for the counts. Carole mentioned that you can download the
club membership renewal off the USATF web site. Doris Heritage asked
if it is important to PNTF for the Falcon TC to renew with USATF, even
if it has no active members. It was suggested that renewal is not cost
effective, as a club can always join USATF at any time, but it might
be advantageous to maintain Falcon TC by renewing with the Washington
Secretary of State each year.
Office Manager: Carole Langenbach said USATF sent us a T-shirt
with Pacific Northwest printed on it. Fast Advertising had left a
number of shirts with Association names on them at the USATF National
Office. She also mentioned Carolina Klüft and Stefan Holm of Sweden
are suggesting RFID chips or GPS locators on athlete's bags to enable
locating athletes for drug testing.
Fred Dean Youth Travel Fund: Patti Petesch said the committee
to administer the fund now has all the appropriate people needed. Asha
Dean announced there will be the Fred W. Dean Memorial Golf Tournament
and Reception. It will be at 1:30 p.m. on April 25th at Newcastle,
where she is now employed. She handed out a flyer with all the details
for the tournament and reception. She said the fund is at about
$13,000, and when it reaches $15,000 the committee will begin
distributions. For information, contact her: phone 206-954-2551 or
PNTF Annual Banquet: Char was not present, but Carole said the
Banquet would be February 8, 2008 at the Best Western River's Edge in
Tukwila. Tom Cotner was instructed by President Petesch to ask Uli
Steidl to be our speaker.
Directors and Officers Insurance: Bob Langenbach reported that
Andy Martin says PNTF has this insurance as of January 1, 2008. He
will send out the insurance coverage binder when he gets it. There was
a question about insurance coverage for officials. Carole explained
that when an event is sanctioned by USATF, event workers, including
officials, are covered by the sanctioned event's liability insurance.
February Meeting Site: Patti Petesch said she has reserved the
Parks Building, 100 Dexter Ave. N. for every 3rd Monday of 2008.
Future PNTF Board Meeting Site: Carole reported that Don
Boshears of the Columbia Tower Club called her and offered use of it
free, but parking would be $8 per vehicle. After minor discussion, it
was moved, seconded, and passed that PNTF meet at the Parks Building
as reserved by Patti.
Sanctions Report: Sanctions Chair Carole Langenbach handed out
copies of her report. She issued 113 sanctions last year, up from 103
in 2006. She said that Certificates are now issued to the sanction
applicant and s/he must distribute them. The net income from the 113
events was $5,344.97. This money goes into the PNTF General Fund and
is most of our operating budget.
Sanction Denial Authorization: Sanctions Chair Carole
Langenbach said that ProMotion Events has failed to pay on time for
numerous sanction requests, several times not paying until well after
the event. This has caused her to be unable to pay the PNTF VISA Bill
without a transfer from the General Fund. She asked for authorization
to deny sanctions without payment two weeks prior to the event. It was
moved, seconded, and passed unanimously that the PNTF Board grant her
that authority.
NCAA Division II T&F Conference Championships for Spring 2009
and X-C Conference Championship for Fall 2009: Doris Heritage asked
that PNTF consider supporting these events. She will present more
information at the February meeting.
Ken Foreman Contributor Award: Patti Petesch said we must
nominate and elect the person for this award so it can be presented at
the PNTF Banquet. It was decided that Bob L will e-mail a ballot to
all Board Members and they will send their vote to Patti Petesch by
January 28th and she will have the award engraved. The following were
nominated: Gwen Robertson; Brian Beaky; Doris Heritage; and Andrew
Washington Games: Bill Roe said this has been held in Spokane
for several years with less than stellar attendance. Now it will be
over west of the Cascades. He has been working with Ralph Morton of
the Seattle Sports and Events Council about where and when. Bill said
this is more than just T&F. It is many sports, and for all ages (YOM).
Bill said he wants George Mathews and Ralph to talk about combining.
George said there are already lots of weekends with events, and he
doesn't know where this can be inserted, but he will talk with Ralph.
Youth: Doug Chandler was not present, but Patti said the
Association Regional will be July 10-13 in Inland NW.
Open: Tom Cotner said the PNTF Athlete of the Year ballot was
sent out, but that had been recalled and replaced by a new ballot with
additional candidates.
Masters: Neal Stoddard reported that the Weight, Super Weight
and Ultra Weight Pentathlon will be at West Seattle Stadium on
September 5-6. George Mathews, is now a member of PNTF as an athlete,
but remains a coach in Inland NW where he resides. Bob Springer and
George Mathews asked that Officials in PNTF think about, and apply for
officiating at the USATF Masters T&F Championship in Spokane August
7-10. Neal Stoddard said he and Carole had reviewed the PNTF
Association Championships and picked out those masters who were Road
Running Champions.
RaceWalk: Stan Chraminski said the Puget Sound Games will be
in Olympia July 26, 2008. The RW competitions will be held all that
Certification and Training: Bill Hickman announced that the
Washington State HS Coaches Association selected PNTF's Bob Sund as
Official of the Year. Lawrie Robertson said that he handed out 82
copies of the officiating CD at the coaches meeting in Everett. He and
Bob Springer have now distributed over 400 copies of that CD. Lawrie
said there will be a HS Officiating Clinic at Kings HS on February 7th
from 5-7 p.m. There will be an 8-hour clinic on February 9th at
Seattle Parks Building. Jerry Ley, assisted by Dick Unrue and Ed
Viering, will present a two-session evening clinic at UPS from 5-9
p.m. on February 11th and 25th.
PNTFOA: Neal reported the officials had their January meeting.
There is a conflict with the Ken Shannon and Ken Foreman meets both
being on May 10th. There is also a conflict on April 19th with the
Eason and Pasco HS meets. The PNTFOA Annual Meeting and Banquet will
be at Touchdowns Sports Bar and Grill in Renton on January 26th.
Bob Springer said the web master has been in Mexico City for some time, and will continue to be there for some more time. This has not hindered his efforts to maintain the web site, as everything is up to date.
Associations Committee: Bill Roe had been in attendance, but
had left a bit earlier to catch a plane to Indianapolis. Since Craig
Masback suddenly resigned as USATF CEO, Bill Roe has been heading up
the CEO search team and will become interim CEO beginning February
USATF BoD: Bill Roe was not present. See IV G above.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:08 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Bob Langenbach
PNTF Secretary