The next PNTF Board Meeting will be August 11, 2008 at the Seattle
Parks and recreation Building, 100 Dexter Ave. North in Seattle.
Note: The next PNTF Board Meeting on Monday August 11 is a week earlier than the usual 3rd Monday of the month
Minutes of the PNTF Board Meeting of June 16, 2008
President Patti Petesch called the meeting to order in the Board Room of the Seattle Parks and Recreation Headquarters Building at 7:08 p.m. Additional persons present were: Char Engelhardt, George Mathews, Carole Langenbach, Bill Hickman, Darlene Hickman, Kenny Emerick, Bob Springer, Becca Gillespy, Dr. James Fields, Stan Chraminski, and Bob Langenbach.
Minutes: The minutes of the May 19, 2008 Board Meeting were approved as published on the PNTF web site with the following corrections: 1) Dr. Fields' e-mail was misunderstood by the Secretary. He does not wish to be on the West Seattle Stadium and T&F Facility committee; 2) Only the JO Combined events conflict with the Olympic Trials in Eugene. Note: The minutes for the last several years are posted on the PNTF web site,
Treasurer's Report: Gwen Robertson was not present, but she had talked to Carole Langenbach. The only activity was paying the PNTF phone bill. She requests all the committees (Youth, Open, Masters, and Fred Dean Travel Fund)e-mail her at giving their requests for how much money she should retain for them so she can put the rest in interest bearing CDs.
President's Report: President Petesch apologized for missing the last meeting and was looking forward to hearing the committee reports.
Vice President's Report: Char Engelhardt had no report.
Membership Report: Janell Kaufman submitted the PNTF membership as Youth - 808; Open - 232; Masters - 346.
Office Manager: Carole Langenbach received a voice mail on Saturday June 14th from Lionel Leach about the JO entry deadline, then another from Lionel Leach on Monday June 16th with an extended deadline.
Fred Dean Youth Travel Fund: Patti Petesch reported that the Fund now has its 501(c)(3) status. They are setting up the method and application form (including grades and competition marks) for applying to the Foundation for shoes, clothing, travel, etc. Asha Dean is very busy with her new job, but will be the head of the Foundation.
Hytek Organizational License: Kenny Emerick said he was at the last Youth Meeting and the committee approved the concept of a license for all the committees. But now he has a new idea of getting a Hytek Independent Contractors License (ICC). This, for a fee of $1,000 per year will allow PNTF to do almost anything. Any number of meets, and more than one at a time on the same day. That could be 2 youth meets, or a youth and open, etc. Kenny is working on the wording to set PNTF up for using it. Darlene suggested that Kenny make sure Bill Hickman reviews and approves the contract wording. Kenny asked for approval to continue looking into an ICC. It was moved, seconded, and passed to approve Kenny's continued efforts
Reimbursement to PNTF from USATF for Association Workshop: Patti had mailed another copy of her expenses to Sherry Quack at the National Office
- PNTF Membership Chair: Patti said the position should be advertised on the PNTF Web Site. Bob Langenbach will e-mail out information and ask for applications. He has asked Janell and Andy Martin to submit job descriptions, but the request was so late that they were unable to reply. He'll do the e mailing after they reply with job descriptions..
- West Seattle: Patti will meet with Tim Gallagher (Head of Seattle Parks and Recreation) on Wednesday to discuss the situation with the stadium.
- Golf Course Cross Country: Bob Springer has no more information. Patti said she, Bob Springer, Tom Cotner, Doris Heritage, Bob Langenbach and Andy Soden need to meet in July to start things rolling.
USATF Association Workshop: Patti announced it will be in Indianapolis at the Hyatt Regency August 22-24. Patti is going as she has to give a report, and Darlene will be there as a USATF presenter.
- PNTF Annual Meeting: Patti said we need to choose a date for the meeting. Possible Sundays are September 21st or 28th and October 5th. After some discussion, it was moved, seconded and passed that September 21st be PNTF's Annual Meeting. It was requested that Patti reserve the Northgate facility, if possible. Patti appointed a committee of herself, Kenny Emerick, Char Engelhardt, and Kate (Soma) Conwell to organize the event.
- PNTF Nominating Committee: Patti appointed Carole Langenbach as chair and Bill Hickman as her minion
Youth: Asha Dean was not present, as she was at her club's track practice. Kenny reported that Youth met on June 10th. Association JO's are Saturday June 21 and 22 at the SW Complex (Sealth). He is entering the athletes into the computer and has over 400 already. Late entries will get added day of competition. He said the new PV pad is in at Sealth. Becca said it must be opened immediately so it can plump up and not get fixed in its crushed condition. The old pads have been shifted to the HJ. Char said ALL the early entries are entered into the computer.
Open: Tom Cotner said the committee did not meet. Some interesting information: 1) Brad Walker set an American record in the PV at the Pre Meet; 2) Uli Steidel and Christi Hauk won the Fremont 5k; 3) Super J'nJ Half Marathon will be September 1 in Woodinville; 4) The Husky men were 16th at the NCAA T&F Championships.
- a) MUT: Scott McCoubry was not present.
Masters: George Mathews reported the Masters met at 6 pm at Whole Foods. He discussed the upcoming USATF Regional meet. Everything is on line. The masters need help with preparing the program. Zel Brook, who uses a cane in her running, has a special ADA exemption for the Regional competition. PNTF resubmitted request to hold the weight, superweight, and ultra weight for 2009, but George is hoping Mac Wilkins who is developing a throws facility near the Portland Airport, will apply for it. If so, PNTF will defer to Wilkins to give needed publicity to his facility. George said that he's asked for the Weight, Superweight, and Ultra weight pentathlon to be combined into 3 days to reduce travel costs for the athletes. He then asked PNTF to approve the request by Daunte Gouge of Kings High School to hold the Masters National Heptathlon and Decathlon Championships in 2009. It was moved, seconded, and passed that the application be approved
- Results:
- Events: Stoddard was off rafting the Colorado, so Tom Cotner reported. Fremont 5k Kevin McGinnis 40-44, John O'Hearn 45-49, Henry Wigglesworth 50-54, Jerry Zyskowski 55-59, Phyllis Nelson W60-64 were the age group winners.
RaceWalk: Stan Chraminski thanked those for helping at the Seattle parks meet on June 7th. Upcoming events are the Seattle Classic (NW Masters Regional Championship) July 19th and 20th, the Puget Sound Senior Games in Olympia on July 26th, and the USATF National Masters Championship August 7-10 at Spokane Falls Community College.
PNTFOA: Bob Springer reported that the committee will buy a "head on" camera for the finish line to read the bib numbers of the runners so they can check if the hip numbers are gone.
Certification and Training: Bill Hickman is setting up the review training for officials to recertify them for the next Olympiad which starts following the Olympic Games. It will be this fall some time. He thinks there should be special training for umpires. Bob Springer said there may be an introductory class at UPS this fall.
Web Site: Webmaster Becca Gillespy said she will put up the results given to her.
USATF Associations Committee: Bill Roe was not present, but Bob Springer said the USOC has mandated that USATF reduce its Board to around 9, or risk loss of support.
- USATF BoD: Bill Roe was not present.
- Pacific Association Grievance: Neither Bob Bowman nor Bill Roe was present.
The next PNTF Board Meeting is August 11th at the Parks and Recreation Building.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:41 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Bob Langenbach
PNTF Secretary