The next PNTF Board Meeting will be October 20, 2008 at the Seattle Parks and Recreation Building, 100 Dexter Ave. North in Seattle.

Minutes of the PNTF Annual Meeting of September 28, 2008

President Patti Petesch called the meeting to order in the Discovery Park Visitors Center Meeting Room at 2:35 p.m. Approximately 30 persons were present. The Executive Committee members and Committee Chairs were introduced. The meeting continued as those present ate the PNTF-provided (and Chef Kenny Emerick prepared) meal of salad, bread, pasta, meatballs, and ice cream. Thank you Kenny, Patti and PNTF.

    1.. Youth: Chair Asha Dean reported that the 2008 Association T&F meet competitor numbers were down, but the Regional T&F Meet had lots of PNTF competitors. The committee met at noon prior to this meeting and set the Youth Cross-Country Schedule for 2008 and the T&F schedule for 2009.
    2.. Open: Chair Tom Cotner said there were approximately 250 Open Athlete Members. The Open Committee met prior to the Annual Meeting and mainly discussed how to provide a better Open PNTF T&F Championships Meet. Becca Gillespy suggested that the Open tie in to the High School Meet of Champions held at Kings High School. The Committee will look into this idea and continue its investigations into other possibilities. Paul Merca said there were 4 Athletes from the PNTF area that competed at the Olympic Games: Brad Walker PV, Aretha Thurmond Discus, Kara Patterson Javelin, and Haley Nemera, from Marysville-Pilchuck HS, who competed for the Marshall Islands in the 800 meters. Paul said PNTF had 15 athletes who were National Champions. Tom said the committee discussed increasing the number of Open athletes by offering discount coupons.
    MUT: Scott McCoubrey was not present, but Tom Cotner gave a brief report. PNTF hosted (again) the National 50 Mile Trail Championships at the White River 50 Mile. There were 200 entries for the event. He mentioned Ultras are very popular in PNTF. The committee is thinking of having a PNTF Ultra Championship. Scott has been putting on the Cougar Mountain Trail Series, which has drawn many competitors. PNTF has 4 members on the USATF Ultrarunning National Team!
  2. 3.. Masters: Chair George Mathews said the Masters Committee held a meeting prior to this meeting. PNTF had just hosted the National Masters Weight, Superweight, and Ultraweight Pentathlon Championships in early September. It was a very successful event. The committee reviewed the 2008 budget, and set a budget for 2009. Dates were set for the Spring Fling (May 2nd) and the Seattle Classic Track Meet (July 18). Next year, the National Masters Weight, Superweight, and Ultraweight Pentathlon will be in Portland. George says the Masters have decided to turn the Spring Fling into a Weight Pentathlon.
    4.. Race Walk: Stan Chraminski, RW rep, thanked the PNTF for hosting several Race Walks and for the fine officiating the racewalkers received this year from PNTF Officials.
    1.. Certification and Training: Chair Bill Hickman said that recertification is required for all officials for the new Olympiad, which started following this year's Olympic Games. The USATF Officials are still working on the material for the classes and tests. The dates for rules review will be announced shortly. The next Introduction to Officiating Class will be held October 11th at University of Puget Sound. A new criteria introduced by the National Officials Committee is that officials MUST be members of USATF. This membership will include liability insurance at all meets, including High School and College, and secondary accident insurance. Lawrie Robertson announced that the next Seattle Introduction to Officiating Class would be February 7, 2009 at the Seattle Parks and Rec Headquarters (100 Dexter Ave. N). He has been working with the WIAA to put on classes for HS officials. He and Bob Springer have prepared a new CD for the 2009 officiating classes. Bob Springer said he and Lawrie have distributed hundreds of the previous CD world wide in the last two years.
    1.. PNTFOA: Neal Stoddard, the rep to the PNTF Board, reported that at the last meeting that they were financially sound. They had set the officiating schedule for 2009. The committee had decided on a present for all their officials. Bob Springer reported they have acquired a new camera for head-on finish pictures to help sort out athletes who are exactly side by side and possibly obscuring hip numbers. It was used at the UW's Sundodger meet, and there are some kinks to work out, such as officials standing in the way. New officials will earn a PNTFOA shirt after officiating at two meets.
  3. 1.. USATF Happenings: Bill Roe said he had been the acting CEO from January 9th when Craig Masback resigned until July 17th when USATF hired Doug Logan. In that time he had 150,000 air miles (but didn't miss a meet of the Wednesday evening ClubNW All-Comers meets). Since March, USATF has been dealing with restructuring its Board of Directors, mandated by USOC. USATF has presented a number of proposed changes, and will have a meeting October 17-18 to discuss and prepare their final proposal for the membership to vote on at the USATF Annual Meeting in December. The proposed Board composition will have 15 members: President, National Sports Organization Delegate, IAAF Delegate, 3 Athletes, 3 "Independents", and 6 At Large (Youth, Grassroots, High Performance, Long Distance, Officials, Coaches).
    2.. Fred W. Dean Foundation: Patti introduced Asha Dean, Director of the Foundation. Asha handed out a two-page description of the Foundation honoring her father. The Foundation mission is: Through the Fred W. Dean Foundation, Seattle area youth will reach their full potential in athletics and academics in a supportive, challenging and fun community. The initial Fred Dean Golf Tournament raised $5,000 in addition to the many thousands of dollars contributed in his honor. This year, the Foundation made distributions to Celstina Ramirez and Olivia Vincent and linked them to mentors. The Foundation's Board also established a budget for 2009.
    3.. Bob Bowman, Candidate for USATF President: Patti introduced Bob Bowman, a recent PNTF member, but previously a long time Pacific Association member and officer. Bob handed out his rŽsumŽ and talked briefly on his background as Pacific Association President and IAAF Race Walk Delegate from USATF. He described the present problems with the USATF Board and Officers and their interaction with the USATF National Office. He mentioned what he thought was a conflict of interest in awarding several National Championship events to Eugene (not the Oregon Association) over the Pacific Association.
    4.. Darlene Hickman, Candidate for USATF Vice President: Darlene said she has sent her candidacy and rŽsumŽ to all USATF Associations. She also noted that with the restructuring, USATF's Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer would be chosen by the USATF BoD, not elected. But in the chance that the election for Vice President occurs, she will be a candidate. She has been elected as a USATF Officer several times in the past.
  4. 1.. Minutes: Secretary Bob Langenbach had handed out copies of the Corrected Minutes of the August 11 PNTF Board Meeting. It was moved, seconded, and passed that the minutes be approved as corrected. Note: The minutes for the last several years are on the PNTF web site
    b.. Treasurer: Treasurer Gwen Robertson had handed out copies of her report. She told the committees to submit their budget for 2009 as soon as possible so she can transfer an appropriate amount into higher interest bearing CD's. The report was approved unanimously. The monies in the various PNTF accounts are: Youth - $16,884.18; Open - $7, 130.30; Open Chair's Fund - $4,056.00; Masters - $6,443.43; General Officials - $1,104.52; Fred W. Dean Foundation - $7,021.92; General - $18,246.94
    c.. Vice President's Report: Char Engelhardt had no report.
    d.. President's Report: Patti Petesch said that Carol Coram, long time PNTF Master Official had colon cancer surgery and was in the hospital. She directed our Office Manager to send her a card from PNTF. Patti thanked everyone for her opportunity to serve PNTF as President the past 5 years.
    e.. Office Manager: Carole Langenbach rushed up and gave Patti a plaque signed by many PNTF officers and members as recognition of her invaluable service. Note: The PNTF Membership Chair submitted membership data as of September 30th, 2008. The numbers are Youth 922, Open 258, Masters 427, and 45 clubs.
  5. 1.. USATF Annual Meeting Information: Carole announced that PNTF has had three athletes express their desire to attend the Annual Meeting as delegates from PNTF. They are Norris Frederick, Aretha Thurmond, and Mike Sayenko. Carole said PNTF would have 13 delegates, of which 3 will be the athletes. She asked for those who are planning to go to tell her and received 16 more requests to be delegates. She then said she would work on assigning them to the 13 regular delegates and 6 alternates. She also asked who would like to represent what committee at the Annual Meeting and worked out a preliminary assignment. She will complete the paperwork and submit the delegation to the National Office. She reminded the delegates that PNTF would reimburse them the $160 registration package cost. Note: The three athletes will be receiving an additional $300 reimbursement from PNTF.
    2.. PNTF ByLaws: Carole Langenbach presented a replacement wording for Article 7 C
    Board meetings of the Pacific Northwest Track and Field Association shall be held "a minimum of six (6) times a year" on the third Monday ((of every month)), at such time, date and place as may be fixed by the Board at the previous meeting.
  6. Note: In the preceding paragraph, words in between quote marks are new, and the part removed is within the double parentheses.
  7. It was moved and seconded that the new wording for Article 7 C be approved. The motion was approved.
  8. Carole Langenbach also presented an extensive revision to Article 11 and Article 12 to meet the requirements for removal of officers and committee chairs, grievances, and disciplinary proceedings as set down by USATF. It was moved and seconded to approve the required revisions to Articles 11 and 12 with the Secretary and Office Manager making the required modifications. The motion was approved. Secretary's Note: This revision is much too long for the minutes, but only made minor changes to PNTF's existing process and procedures. If any member wishes to see Article 11 and Article 12, or the entire ByLaws, e-mail your request to the Secretary at or view the revised bylaws that will be posted soon at
  9. c.. PNTF Annual Banquet: Char Engelhardt oversaw the siting, meal, and agenda for the successful 2008 Banquet. President Petesch asked her to work on the date for the 2009 Banquet with assistance from herself and Bob Springer.
    d.. Election of PNTF Officers: Nominations Chair Carole Langenbach announced she had gotten the approval of the following candidates: President - William Hickman; Vice President - Derrek Berkompas, Char Engelhardt, Kwajalein Griffin, and Neal Stoddard; Treasurer - Gwen Robertson; Secretary - Bob Langenbach. She then asked for further nominations, but said that Derrek Berkompas had withdrawn. Char Engelhardt asked that her name be withdrawn. There being no further nominations, it was moved and seconded that those running unopposed be elected by acclamation. The motion was approved unanimously. Carole asked for the two VP candidates to tell their background. Neal said he has been and still is the Masters Committee Secretary. He has been a runner and official for many years and wants to continue to support PNTF. Kwajalein said she has been involved in T&F since High School. She is an official and has extended her involvement with the Youth Committee and wishes to help on the PNTF Board. Carole asked Bill Hickman and Kenny Emerick to collect and tally the ballots. Kenny announced shortly that Kwajalein Griffin had been elected. Congratulations to the elected officers and many thanks to those who served. Later, Kenny asked for a motion to destroy the ballots. Moved, seconded, and approved.
    e.. Membership Chair Recommendation: President Petesch said that Membership Chair Janell Kaufman is retiring after 8 years. She will be adopting a child from Uganda. She also has a daughter and full time job. Patti had appointed a search committee in August composed of herself, Doug Chandler, Gwen Robertson, and Carole Langenbach. There were 5 applicants: Stan Chraminski, Tracy Silva, Char Engelhardt, Kimberly Brooks, and Bill Roe. The committee interviewed the finalists and recommended Tracy Silva. It was moved and seconded that Tracy Silva be Membership Chair. Approved unanimously. Patti asked Tracy to coordinate with Janell on the changeover. She asked the Secretary to send Tracy's contact information to the clubs and those receiving the minutes distribution.
    The meeting was adjourned at 4:31 p.m.
    Respectfully submitted,
    Bob Langenbach
    PNTF Secretary