President William Hickman called the meeting to order at 7:11 p.m. in the Seattle Parks and Recreation Building, 100 Dexter Ave. N., Seattle. President Hickman announced he had changed the order of the agenda to ensure we deal with PNTF’s delegation and their assignments, etc. at the USATF Annual Meeting. In addition to President Hickman, the following were present: Tracy Silva, Fred Bingisser, Darlene Hickman, Char Engelhardt, Stan Chraminski, Kenny Emerick, Ivars Ikstrums, Neal Stoddard, Lawrie Robertson, Tom Cotner, Bill Roe, Carole Langenbach, Kwajalein Griffin, Bob Springer, Gwen Robertson, Patti Petesch, and Bob Langenbach. President Hickman asked for each person in attendance to introduce him/herself and mention their connection to PNTF.
A. USATF Annual Meeting: Carole Langenbach said we will have two athletes at the meeting: Will Conwell and Norris Fredrick. She will give Char Engelhardt and Patti Petesch the list of our delegates and what meetings they are assigned for attendance. Patti Petesch said she has the assignments and “trivia questions” and the PNTF delegation meeting “Newsletter”. Carole announced that the post Annual Meeting potluck will be at the Langenbachs on December 20th. It is for the PNTF Board and delegates to exchange their feelings and information from the USATF Annual Meeting and to RELAX.
B. Marymoor Park Hammer Cage Proposal: Fred Bingisser said that the only hammer cage in the greater Seattle area is at West Seattle Stadium, and it does not meet proper hammer cage requirements. Five years ago he was involved in a proposal for a cage at Sand Point’s Magnusson Park, but that fell through due to uncertainty about what was going to happen to that facility. Three years ago he proposed Marymoor Park, but that proposal got pushed aside. He’s bringing it back up and desires PNTF support. Fred’s son Martin has formed the non-profit Evergreen Athletic Fund ( to support athletes. Fred and Martin are trying to get the UW involved as they don’t have a useable hammer facility either. After some discussion, it was moved, seconded, and approved that PNTF provide a letter of support from President Hickman for this project. Fred Bingisser is to provide him with pertinent information on the proposal.
A. Membership Report: Tracy Silva presented her membership report. We already have 238 Youth, 97 Open, 165 Masters, and 11 Clubs for 2010. For 2009, there were 863 Adults, 990 Youth, and 49 Clubs. It was moved, seconded, and passed that the report be approved. The distribution of funds after USATF’s share, office expenses, and administration fees to the Membership Chair were $4,771.00 to the General Fund, $6,847.50 to Youth, $6,474.75 to Masters, and $3,798.75 to Open. Note: These amounts are the corrected amounts after a review by the Treasurer.
B. Minutes: The Minutes of the PNTF Board Meeting of October 19, 2009 were approved as posted.
C. Treasurer: Gwen Robertson distributed her report to the officers. It was moved, seconded and passed that the report be accepted. The balances in the various accounts as of November 12, 2009 are: Youth $13,303.68; Open $7,882.32; Open Chair’s Fund $2,567.69; Masters $3.988.30; General Officials $1,372.43; Fred Dean Youth Travel $6,344.75; General $17,494.95.
President’s Report: President Hickman said he had officiated at the PNTF Open and Masters Cross Country races and the PNTF Youth Cross Country Races and was not subjected to any rain! He thanked the people who worked in the cold and made those events successful. USATF has asked for each association to submit those members who have passed away this past year so they can be listed during one of the General Sessions of the USATF Annual Meeting. PNTF has lost two long time officials, Bob MacDonald (1984 Olympic Throws Official) and Gordy Jones (many times Umpire at Lincoln Bowl State HS meets). President Hickman instructed the Secretary to notify USATF of these people and pertinent information about them.
D. Vice President’s Report: VP Kwajalein Griffin mentioned that USATF is going to produce a diversity newsletter. Dexter McCloud will be heading up the effort.
E. Office Manager: Carole Langenbach had no report.
A. Fred Dean Memorial Youth Committee: Chair Asha Dean was not present. Patti Petesch said there was no report.
B. Club Cross Country 2011: Bob Springer said there was a budget meeting prior to the Board Meeting. Last Sunday the committee met and discussed the proposals and other information they’d received from various hotels. The Renaissance in Seattle proposed $119 with $10 to the committee for each room taken. This hotel has been tentatively accepted. Paul Wilkinson, who heads up the golf courses for Seattle Parks and Rec, attended the last Cross Country race on November 8th and was impressed by our quick teardown of the set-up. He’s a bit concerned about damage to the golf course, but Bob Springer told him to talk to Andy Soden who was at Spanaway when we had the World Trials there in 1999. Bill Roe then briefed us on the budget and said we’re looking good. He commented that Spokane lost $32,000 in 2008 when they hosted the Club Cross Country. The loss was paid for by the Spokane Sports Commission. Our budget shows at least a break even with our present costs.
C. WIAA/WOA Certified Officials Task Force: Bob Springer said we may have a Bellingham area coordinator. Paul Bodenshot is going to be helping and will be putting on a 2.5 hour class at Western Washington U.
D. PNTF Update Newsletter: Carole Langenbach had the USATF National Office e-mail out the newsletter to all the adults with e-mails listed with their membership. She only had about 100 to send out via USPS.
A. Youth: Asha Dean was not present. Patti Petesch reported the Youth Executive Committee is meeting monthly to work out what is necessary for the next couple of years. They are producing “bucket” lists. Bill Roe said Andy Martin of USATF National Office said that the new Club Handbook is about finished. Regional Coordinator Char Engelhardt said Holly Genest has helped form two new clubs. There was good attendance at the Cross Country meet with 311 running and 278 advancing to the Regional JOXC at Spokane. The Young men had 33 competitors, a much bigger field than in the past. Kenny Emerick said Youth National Chair Lionel Leach had a conference call concerning the addition of a sub-bantam division. There were 8 on the call, of which 5 were from Region 13 (PNTF, Inland NW, Snake River, Oregon, Montana, and Alaska). Lionel favored it, with the restriction that only those ages 7 and older would advance to Regionals or Nationals. PNTF disapproved of the addition of this age group. Lawrie Robertson said that the Sports Medicine people should weigh in on this subject.
B. Open: Tom Cotner said the PNTF Cross Country winners were Mark Mandi and Rose Wetzel, both of CNW, were the winners. There were 61 Open, 66 Masters, and 10 Community Race competitors.
a. MUT – At the Trail Marathon Championship in Ashland Oregon, PNTF members were top finishers. Becca Ward of Seattle Running Company was 2nd, Devon Crosby-Helms 3rd, Krissy Moehl 4th, and Ellen Parker 5th. There will be an additional PNTF Road Championship in 2010. The Ft. Steilacoom 15 miler on February 20, 2010 has been added.
C. Masters: George Mathews was not present. Neal Stoddard said the Masters did not have a meeting. Michael Lynes and Ludmilia Vasilyeva were the age 40 winners of the Cross Country. The Masters Committee distributed $1060 in prize money to the age group winners and winning teams. Carole Langenbach said there will not be a Spring Fling/RW in 2010. It will only be a RW on April 11, 2010. George Mathews/Seattle Masters AC will put on a big throwing competition August 21, 2010 at West Seattle.
D. Race Walk: Stan Chraminski reiterated Carole’s statement that there will be a RW on April 11, 2010 at West Seattle. Note: The date reported was the 17th, but it has since been changed to April 11th.
E. Officials
a. PNTFOA: Neal Stoddard said the Officials Board did not meet last month.
b. Certification and Training: Lawrie Robertson said that Bob Springer is putting together a coaches clinic. He has been talking to and corresponding with Peter Thompson of the IAAF. PNTF is also happy to do a pilot production of proposed advanced clinics from Peter Thompson. Bob Springer said that he is trying to shorten the length of the sessions. Darlene Hickman said there are officials renewal classes scheduled Thursday February 7th at the Ravenna/Ekstein Parks facility, Wednesday February 13 at the Delridge facility, and Thursday February 21st at a site to be determined in Bremerton.
F. Website: Bob Springer said that the officiating clinics are posted: February 6th at 100 Dexter Ave. N. in Seattle, and February 8th and 22nd at University of Puget Sound in Tacoma.
G. USATF Associations Committee: Bill Roe discussed the conference call held by Chair Karen Krsak. The committee will be holding clinics during the USATF Annual Meeting. Subjects will be Associations, Membership, Sanctions, etc.
H. USATF BoD: Darlene Hickman, BoD Secretary, said there had been 6 Board conference calls concerning the Bylaws. The Board is getting a package together to present at the Annual Meeting on the Bylaws, Operating Regulations, etc. The USATF Annual Meeting opening session will be Wednesday December 3rd at 9:00 a.m. and the closing session is on December 6th.
Patti Petesch said the City of Seattle is having furlough days on some Mondays in 2010 which includes the third Monday in both January and November, which affects the PNTF Board meeting dates. We’ll have to come up with something for those dates. Secretary’s note: Patti has informed President Hickman and me that the third Monday in January is a Holiday, not a furlough day, so PNTF will be able to meet at Seattle Parks and Recreation at 100 Dexter Ave. N. on January 18, 2010. Thank you for the timely information Patti.
Char Engelhardt was asked to pick up some items at the USATF Annual Meeting to have as gifts at the PNTF Annual Awards Banquet, if she had time.
Bob Springer said he will be a speaker at an officials' clinic at the USATF Annual Meeting discussing his experiences at the World Masters Association T&F Championship in Lahti, Finland.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:41 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Bob Langenbach
PNTF Secretary