The next PNTF Board Meeting will be held October 18, 2010 at 7:00 p.m. at the Seattle Parks and Recreation Building at 100 Dexter Ave. N.

Minutes of the PNTF Annual Meeting of September 26, 2010

President William Hickman called the meeting to order at 2:35 p.m. in the
meeting room at Camp Long, 5200 35th Ave SW in West Seattle. He asked for
those present to introduce him/herself. In addition to President Hickman,
the following were present: Ed Viering, Doug Chandler, Doris Heritage,
Carole Langenbach, Tom Cotner, Kenny Emerick, Jerry Zyskowski, Paul Limpf,
Becca Peter, George Mathews, Malcolm Dunn, Bill Roe, Darlene Hickman, Cory
Batten, Stan Chraminski, Darryl Genest, Char Engelhardt, Asha Dean, April
Joseph, Lawrie Robertson, Tracy Silva, Gwen Robertson, Mick Holt, Bob
Springer, Linda Ikstrums, Ivars Ikstrums, Kwajalein Griffin, Yvonne Smith,
and Bob Langenbach. After the introductions, President Hickman asked Vice
President Kwajalein Griffin to conduct the meeting.

A. Minutes: Bob Langenbach had distributed copies of the minutes for
the August 2010 PNTF Board Meeting. The minutes have been posted on the
PNTF web site. The minutes were approved as posted.
B. Treasurer's Report: Gwen Robertson handed out her Treasurer's Report
as of September 23, 2010. After answering a few minor questions, the report
was approved unanimously. The following are the accounts: Youth --
$6,303.68; Open -- $6,485.12; Open Chair's Fund -- $3,956.35; Masters --
$5,458.21; General Officials -- $2,637.24; Fred Dean Youth Travel --
$4,794.75; General -- $29,696.73.
C. Membership Report: Tracy Silva had submitted the numbers to
President Hickman. In general, she said the numbers are up over last year,
and there are several more clubs for a total of 53.
D. Office Manager's Report: Carole Langenbach had no report, but she
held up a picture from the Seattle Times showing her niece touching the WNBA
Championship Trophy held aloft by Lauren Jackson of the Seattle Storm.
E. The State of Our Association for 2010: PNTF President William
Hickman gave the following presentation.

Bob Langenbach, our esteemed secretary for the past 15 years, sent me a
summary of my remarks from last year and suggested I just recycle it. There
is a germ of truth in that.

For once again I did receive a colorful brochure from USATF which listed all
the associations, and how they did in fulfilling all the USAF requirements.
Again PNTF was one of the few associations which fulfilled all the criteria.
The reason again was the hard work and dedication of our officers, our
committee chairs and our dedicated PNTF members.

So thank you to our Vice President Kwajalein Griffin; our Treasurer
Gwen Robertson; our Secretary for 15 years Bob Langenbach; our Membership
Chair Tracy Silva; our office manager Carole Langenbach.

And of course thank you to the Past USATF President Bill Roe.

If there was any question about our consistent high level of
performance that was negated when Dr. Tim Baker told Darlene (secretary to
the Board of Directors): "Don't use PNTF as an example". That echoes back 15
years or so to a late night L&L meeting when Bob Bowman threatened me with
physical harm if I held up PNA as an example of how an association should
work. He said we were not normal. Of course he has now joined us.
We were good then. We are good now.
I am proud to announce that Bob Springer is a finalist for the Horace Crow
Award; Kelly Rankin is a finalist for the Andy Bakjian Award; Lawrie
Robertson is a finalist for the USATF Officials Hall of Fame

While it is still Sept 2010 I am overjoyed to present to you the 2011
version of the officials training CD. This comes from the efforts of Bob
Springer and Lawrie Robertson. No one, no association can boast such talent.
We are unique.
Perhaps somewhat outside my topic, I note that the High School Federation
has changed the jewelry rule a bit. This will lower the stress level of our
officials at the high school meets.
Now if we can only get them to simplify what they call the Uniform Rule.
We mentioned Mr. Bowman and that reminds me that I have to do
something I do very rarely and that is to admit Mr. Bowman was right. To be
specific he was right about our now former CEO Doug Logan. We all wanted
him to succeed, because his success would be the Federation's success. But
he turned out not to be the right fit.

I asked Gwen and Tracy and Carole to give me some numbers on how we
were doing. I remember a saying from a Bob Mowad seminar years ago:
When you are green
You are growing
When you are ripe
You rot.

So I wanted to know: Is PNTF Green? Money; Memberships; Sanctions. All have
increased. PNTF is Green!!

I am particularly pleased with the report from Carole. She stated
that through Sept. she has sanctioned 140 events this year. She noted that
the usual total for the whole year is 120-125
A wonderful increase.
She specifically attributed this to the fact that applications are now
easily accessible on line for people to download.
That ties into a comment made by our past president Patti Petesch.
There will be more and more of a change to on line processing. More and more
of our work will be tied to the computer and to the internet. It may not
work perfectly the first time or the second or the third. But there will be
no turning back.
Luddites like me will go the way of old Mr. Fezziwig in Christmas

Closing Note:
We need more active people. If we have more sanctions, if we have
more members then we should have a greater pool to draw from. They are out
We need to invite them in.
There are parents in the Youth program: invite them in.
There are masters athletes and spouses: invite them in.
There are coaches: invite them in.
Open Athletes: invite them in.


A. Youth Committee: Asha Dean announced we had several champions from
the JO T&F Championships. Now the season is heading into Cross Country.
USATF has added the Sub-Bantam category (8 and under) for competitions. The
USATF Youth Committee has changed to on-line entry for Association,
Regional, and National Competitions. This change had its difficulties, but
now everyone can see the entrants and their marks.
B. Open Committee: Tom Cotner said we put on 10 Association
Championships and one National Championship (The White River 50 Mile Trail
Run). The total PNTF Road Race purse was $20,000. Twelve PNTF athletes won
major championships (NCAA, USATF, Pan-Am, and NACAC). Joe Gray was the top
US runner at the World Mountain Running Championship. The US Team won
silver with him leading the team. Scott Jurek won a silver medal at the
World 24 Hour Run. CNW was 3rd at the USATF Club National T&F Championship,
taking 17 athletes who averaged over 10 points per person!
C. Masters Committee: George Mathews reported that the Seattle Classic
combined with the Subway Washington Games as the PNTF Masters T&F
Championships. The competition will be July 16 in 2011. PNTF also held the
SMAC9 competition which was a Masters Weight and UltraWeight pentathlon.
PNTF also wishes to bid for the USATF National Weight Pentathlon for August
11-12, 2012 and needs PNTF approval on the bid forms. Recent Road Race
Champions were Tony Young and Karen Steen at the Snoqualmie Railroad Days 10
km and David McCulloch and Susan Empey at the Super J 'n J Half Marathon.
There will be a USATF Masters 5 km Cross Country Championships at Fort
Vancouver, WA on October 23. However, this event will be put on by the
Oregon Association.
D. Race Walk: Stan Chraminski thanked PNTF Officials for their help at
the Masters 10 km Race Walk in April at West Seattle Stadium. He also said
Bev McCall won two gold medals at the World Masters Indoor Championships in
Kamloops, British Columbia in March.
E. Officials Committee: Lawrie Robertson said that PNTF had produced a
new Officiating CD for this coming year. This CD is used by the USATF
National Officials Committee for training and is also used in a variety of
foreign countries. The committee is trying to recruit younger persons for
officiating and for the training classes. They are also trying to expand
the number of people who can and will help out at High School dual meets.
Bob Springer said he's trained Paul Bodenshot of Bellingham to be a course
presenter for the officiating clinics. For 2011, Bob said he has Mick Holt
to head up the Officiating Clinic to be held in Tacoma on two evenings in
February. He is also looking for someone new to present the clinic to be
held in Seattle in February. He is also looking for younger people to
officiate and present clinics. Daunte Gouge has been giving numerous
clinics to High Schools.

III Business

A. Association Workshop Report: Patti Petesch said PNTF sent her and
Kwajalein Griffin to the workshop this year. The emphasis was USATF telling
the attendees how each association must send out meeting notices, minutes of
the meetings, and their treasurer's/financial reports to the membership.
Race Sanctioning will be moving to an on-line method. Athlete transfer
between associations is now going through the USATF National Office and
requiring signatures from each association. There is also a push to
increase membership. For the period from September through December 31,
2010, membership will be only $10! Also, if you renew before November 1,
2010, you'll receive a DVD of 30 year history of USATF/TAC. It is important
when renewing to make sure that Birth Date Verification is passed on to the
next year. Kwajalein Griffin reported that USATF is adding a Youth Coaching
Education Level 2. She mentioned the training hours for the coaching
education at various levels. She attended the Youth Level 1 in Sacramento
after the USATF National JO T&F Championships. The course had Billy Mills
and Joe Vigil as guest speakers. The course was from 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. for
all 4 days. It was a really good course. USATF has initiated a Podium
Education Project for coaching. Kwajalein said that PNTF needs to put on a
Coaches Education Level 1 Course to maintain PNTF's status. She and Tom
Cotner are working together to get it set up. They have several possible
presenters in mind.
B. Youth Workshop Report: Asha Dean said the primary focus of the
workshop was on-line entry. It was implemented for the 2010 competitions.
Membership has a problem with the Oregon-Washington border for the
Vancouver-Portland area. They are trying to make it more reasonable for
youth in that area to be members of a club in the other state from their
residence. At the same time, the Youth Committee is trying to prevent Youth
from one state to "jump" over an adjoining state to join a club and possibly
form a "super" team. The on-line entry process had start-up problems but
Coach O helped. With the new on-line system, there will be no day of
competition entries allowed.
C. 2011 Club Cross Country: Bob Springer said the committee met prior
to this meeting. He asked for people to volunteer to help. For example,
there are persons needed as greeters at Sea-Tac Airport from 8 a.m. to
midnight. If you would like to help, contact him or Bill Roe.
D. Subway Washington Games: Bill Roe talked about the competitions in
27 sports, all of which are sponsored by Subway. For Track and Field, the
CNW All-Comers Meets did the Open and Youth, and the Seattle Classic did the
Masters competition. There was also a Subway Washington Games Road Race.
For next year, they are looking to move to a Saturday competition for all
age groups.
E. USATF Annual Meeting Information: Carole Langenbach said she's not
received the usual packet from the National Office, nor the list of "10
Year" athletes. Contact Carole if you wish to attend. It will be December
2-5, 2010 in Virginia Beach, VA.
F. PNTF Annual Banquet: Char Engelhardt said the date has been set as
February 5, 2011 at the Embassy Suites in Tukwila, the same place as this
year. PNTF is guaranteeing 120 attendees.
G. Election of Officers: Carole Langenbach announced she had queried
various people. The following had agreed to run for an additional year:
President - William Hickman; Vice President - Kwajalein Griffin; Treasurer -
Gwen Robertson. For Secretary, Ed Viering agreed to run for the next year.
Carole asked for any additional nominations. Kwajalein nominated April
Joseph for Vice President, but she declined. It was moved that the
nominations be closed and the slate of officers be elected. Seconded and
approved unanimously. Congratulations, officers.

Vice President Kwajalein Griffin announced the PNTF Board Meetings are on
the 3rd Monday of the following months: October, November, January, April,
June, and August. The PNTF Annual Meeting is in September, usually the 4th
Sunday. The next meeting will be October 18, 2010 at 7 p.m. at the Seattle
Parks and Recreation Building, 100 Dexter Avenue N., Seattle, WA.

The meeting was adjourned at approximately 3:54 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Bob Langenbach
PNTF Secretary (emeritus)