Apr. 8, 2008 - Seattle Parks and Rec

Youth PNA Meeting
April 8th, 2008 7:00pm
Seattle Parks 'n Rec

Asha Dean (SCAA), Patti Petesch, Char Engelhardt (PNA); and Holly Genest (FWTC)

Minutes of the March 11th meeting were approved.

Char Engelhardt stated that there was nothing new to report.


Remaining 2008 Schedule
May 17 - Lowell Berry meet (Seattle Parks 'n Rec teams only)
May 31 - Cascade Striders meet @ Sammamish High School
June 7 - SCAA meet @ Sealth
June 12 - Junior Olympic entry forms due
June 14 - South Kitsap Track Club meet @ South Kitsap High School
June 21/22 - J.O. Association meet @ Sealth
June 28 - Hershey State in Olympia
June 29 - J.O. Association Multi-Events (bantam, midget, youth) @ tba
July 10-13 J.O. Regionals meet (hosted by Inland Empire Association-location tba)
July 22/27 - J.O. Nationals @ Omaha, NE

Junior Olympic entry forms are due June 12th. Cost for on-time registration is $6 per event. Cost for late registration is 12 per event. Incomplete forms will be charged the late registration fee.

Association/Regional pass through criteria has been posted on our website/flyer. An athlete may pass through the Association meet if they are participating in the USATF Cultural Exchange Program. An athlete may pass through the Association and Regional meets if they are participating in the USATF Junior Nationals and/or T & F World Youth meet. The necessary paperwork is still required to be turned into the Regional Coordinator, Char Engelhardt.

Long jump/triple jump - FWTC
Long jump/triple jump - Cascade Striders
High Jump - Rain City Flyers
Pole Vault - Rainier Beach
Javelin/turbo javelin - South Kitsap TC
Hurdles - SCAA
Shot put - to be assigned
Discus - to be assigned
Hammer - to be assigned
Awards - to be assigned

Patti said that she will be contacting Flying AJ's, Flan Clan, Wings of Eagles, Seattle Speed, Miller Jets, NW Select and SeaTown about their assignments/contribution to the Assocation meet.

Patti Petesch announced that the background checks are mandatory this year. The background forms are available on our website at Background checks must be submitted on anyone who spends alone time with young athletes (coaches, chaperones, etc). Clubs, please submit your background checks all together.

Great news about replacement of the pole vault and high jump pits at Sealth Stadium. Looks like it will happen after all - so the pole vault contest will remain at Sealth. The Youth PNA will contribute $10,000 toward the cost of the pits. In turn $10,000 will be prorated against the facility cost (Sealth) over the next several years.

Patti reported that USATF wishes to host an Association Workship with the purpose to help fine-tune the running of the individual Associations, especially the entry process for Junior Olympics. Char Engelhardt and Ken Emerick will attend the workshop.

Our next meeting is Tuesday, May 13th, 7pm at Seattle Parks 'n Rec. This is an executive committee meeting but everyone is welcome to attend.

Remaining 2008 Meetings
May, Sept, Nov - executive committee meetings but everyone is welcome to attend.
June - full committee meeting/finalizing J.O. meet
October - full committee meeting/planning meeting for 2009
July, Aug & Dec - no meeting

Holly Genest
Youth PNA Secretary
(253) 839-4964